It's like jumping off a cliff for the rush and excitement off it only to halfway down realise the consequences of this action. Im totally more than half way >_<
Things which at first seemed fairly surmountable have proven not to be as simple as I first reckoned. I need to see her in order for this to work, that much is clear. There's a little catch though. She lives in Oslo and I'll be in Stockholm this year. Easy you say? Well, I thought so at first, but it turns out that the trains don't leave that frequently. Long day + no late trains = not good! But that's not all. Im not even sure they'll give me tickets abroad. ARGH!
What a terribly depressing rant. I'll try to stop. Need to focus on the positive things. Fun times ahead, yes yes.
Did some flying today with a friend of mine, we had a great time. Tomorrow I'll take mum flying, might be fun. We wont leave until 3pm so there's plenty of time to work on my tan... What am I saying, I never work on my tan! O_O I do other stuff and allow the tan come to me instead. It's such a slow process (compared to how past it fades anyway), can't really be bothered to just lie and wait for it to happen.
Some people say you can't eat the cookie and still have it for later. Well, that might be true, but if you eat it very violently there will without a doubt be some crumbs left, and those you don't have to eat right away. Unless you're sitting outside, then birds might eat them if left unattended. Mischievous little birds! (yes, very random indeed)
Hmm. Still should get some sleep though, Im dead tired. But it's SOOO FRIGGIN WARM! It was kinda stupid to leave the computer on last night with both the door and window closed. I swear I saw a finnish dude with a birch twig disappear under the bed when I woke up...
I want this week to pass faster ;_; Stupid crappy week.
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